The Crucial story opens with Micron Technology, Inc., one of the largest memory and flash storage manufacturers in the world. Founded in 1978 and headquartered in Boise, Idaho, Micron is one of the only true memory manufacturers in the world. From selecting choice silicone to finished module testing, Micron designs and produces DRAM chips, then assembles them into premium-quality modules which are sold to leading computer manufacturers. Computer manufacturers use Micron memory when they build new computers, which ultimately end up in the hands of consumers.
After selling memory to computer manufacturers for years, Micron asked, "What about the end user? What about everyday computer users who want to improve the performance of their systems — the home computer user, the IT professional, the data analyst or the graphic designer? Why don't we offer memory to the public?"
In September of 1996, Crucial was founded on the premise that everyday consumers can and should have the ability to improve their computers through do-it-yourself memory upgrades. Crucial Europe opened for business and was again met with strong demand. Now a global brand with support for regions all over the world, Crucial products offer an unparalleled level of expertise and support.