In compliance with Law 34/2002, of June 11, on information society services, we inform you that the ownership data of the domain www.electronicaembajadores .com correspond to ELECTRONICA EMBAJADORES SL, CIF B80082365, with registered office in Madrid, Calle Embajadores, 138, 28045, Spain. The company is duly registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry, Volume 1365, Folio 142, Page M25469, 1st Inscription.
Any references made on our website to any product, service, process, link, hypertext or any other information in which the brand, trade name or name of the manufacturer, supplier, etc., that are owned by third parties will not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of any kind by Electrónica Embajadores SL
The purpose of this web domain is to enable the online and distance sale of products offered by Electrónica Embajadores S.L., related to the electronics and electricity sector.
Electronics Embajadores S.L. has adopted the appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the privacy, confidentiality and security of the personal data collected through the web , being those in accordance with the level of risk and impact that the processing of personal data may entail on the part of the person responsible for the treatment. Likewise, Electrónica Embajadores S.L. has drawn up a detailed privacy policy on the protection of personal data in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, and that can be consulted here. here.
The industrial and intellectual property rights of the web (trademarks, logos, photographs, texts, etc.) and of the different elements contained are the exclusive property of Electrónica Embajadores SL and it corresponds to said company the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the same in any form and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, being totally prohibited its use for exploitation purposes by third parties not authorized.
The user of the web undertakes to make proper and lawful use of the web and all its contents, as well as not to be truthful in supplying your personal data for the purposes of identification or location for the correct provision of the entrusted service. Likewise, you must keep your personal data updated and communicate it to Electrónica Embajadores S.L. if this is essential for the good end of the contracted service. The user will be liable solely and exclusively for the inaccuracy of the personal data provided by the user, as well as the possible damages that may have been derived from it for the company.
Likewise, the user will refrain from:
Since has private areas and, specifically, for the registration of the user's profile, these will be duly protected by means of a username and a password or password. The user will be responsible for its custody and storage, having to display diligent conduct in its conservation and privacy, avoiding access to unauthorized third parties or the transfer, either temporary or permanent.
The company is not responsible nor can it guarantee continued access to its website or its contents and services when the failure or interruption of the service derives from any reason, circumstance or factor that is beyond its control.
Electrónica Embajadores S.L. reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications regarding the information contained on its website or its configuration and presentation.
Both access to this website and the use that may be made of the Information contained therein is the sole responsibility of the person who performs it. Therefore, Electrónica Embajadores S.L. will not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from said access or use of the information.
Electrónica Embajadores S.L. It will only be liable for errors or omissions that appear in the information of its ownership, committing itself with respect to the rest of the information to make its best efforts so that the owners of the same proceed to update it.
Spanish legislation will be applicable for the interpretation of the contractual relations between the buyer and the company ELECTRÓNICA EMBAJADORES S.L. In the event that the buyer acts as a company, whether it is in the form of a natural or legal person, the regulations on consumers and users will not be applicable.
The jurisdiction of the buyer's domicile will be applicable in those cases in which this magazine consumer characteristics. In those cases in which the buyer turns out to be a company, the Courts and Tribunals of the Community of Madrid will be competent for the interpretation and execution of these contractual conditions.