The AFUMEX CLASS 1000 V (AS) - RZ1-K (AS) is an easy-stripping cable hose, especially suitable for installations in public places: performance halls, shopping centers, schools, hospitals, office buildings, pavilions sports facilities, etc., in computer centers, airports, industrial buildings, car parks and road tunnels, places with difficult ventilation and/or evacuation, etc.
Valid for all installations where the risk of fire is not negligible: surface-mounted installations, vertical pipes in buildings or on trays, etc., or where the best properties against fire and/or the ecology of the products are required in buildings or on trays, etc., or where the best properties against fire and/or are required or the ecology of construction products.
General power lines (ITC-BT 14).
Individual derivations ITC-BT 15)
Indoor or receiving installations (ITC-BT 20).
Locals with public attendance (ITC-BT 28).
Premises with risk of fire or explosion (properly channeled) (ITC-BT 29).
Industries (Fire Safety Regulations in Industrial Establishments R.D. 2267/2004.
Buildings in general (Technical Building Code, R.D. 314/2006, art. 11).
no conductors: 2
Section: 4mm2
Diameter: Ø11.8mm
Resistance 20oC: 4.95 Ω/km
Weight: 213 kg/km
Voltage drop: 11.68( V/A · km) At the maximum service temperature and cosϕ=1