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Electronic Modules
ZigBee is a global communication standard for digital data broadcasting designed to allow control and monitoring of connected devices from different manufacturers. Zigbee uses the ISM band for industrial, scientific and medical uses; specifically, 868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in the United States and 2.4 GHz worldwide. However, when designing devices, companies will practically always opt for the 2.4 GHz band, as it is free worldwide.
Zigbee is very similar to Bluetooth but with some differences and advantages for home automation :
A Zigbee network can consist of a maximum of 65535 nodes distributed in subnets of 255 nodes, compared to the maximum eight of a Bluetooth subnet (Piconet).
Less power consumption than Bluetooth. In exact terms, Zigbee has a draw of 30 mA transmitting and 3 μA when idle, compared to 40 mA transmitting and 0.2 mA when idle that Bluetooth has. This lower consumption is due to the fact that the Zigbee system stays asleep most of the time, while in a Bluetooth communication this cannot be given, and it is always transmitting and / or receiving.
It has a speed of up to 250 kbit / s, while in Bluetooth it is up to 3000 kbit / s.
Zigbee allows three network topologies :
Star topology : the coordinator is in the center.
Tree topology : the coordinator will be the root of the tree.
Mesh topology : at least one of the nodes will have more than two connections.